Sunday, December 26, 2010

Late to the Party

Okay, I know Chanukah is, like, sooooo over, but for some reason it wasn't until last week that I decided to show my kids the Maccabeats video. Actually, I do know the reason - once they know something is on Mommy's computer, they want to watch it over and over and then I am prevented from doing important computer-related things such as updating my Facebook status.
("Gila Leibtag-Rose why did I show my kids that video?? Now they won't leave me alone!")

Sure enough, once they saw it, Yaakov has asked at least once a day to watch "the thing that the mans did." He is totally mesmerized. His favorite parts: "When the man does that thing with his hands, and when the man pushes the other man, and when the levivah goes flying into the air." For those of you who are as obsessed - or whose children are as obsessed - with this video as mine are, you will know exactly what scenes I am referring to.

In typical fashion, Yaakov enjoys the video, while Ariella tries to deconstruct how they did it and where they did and why are they called the Maccabeats, and ohmigod just sit and watch it! But, folks, that is just not how she works. We love her for it. We just don't love watching videos with her.

Yaakov did have one question,"Mommy, how come they say, 'Nes gadol hayah sham?' It's 'Nes gadol hayah poh!'" Which led me to realize that not only is he growing up without singing "I have a little dreidel" every year and trying to remember that second verse about the skinny legs, but he has no idea that most of the world sings another version of "Sevivon sov sov sov."

So we have our work cut out for us, trying to inculcate the children with important lessons from the Old Country. Such as teaching the dreidel song and how to properly pronounce "shaloshudis."


Leah Goodman said...

I've been here so long that nes gadol haya *sham* sounds off to me... b'karov etzlech...

Bethami said...

shaloshudis. forgot about that one. going to have to remember it for the top ten ways you know your an american olah.


I love the shaloshudis thing - some shuls, trying to be very proper in their Hebrew, use Shalosh Seudot. Ha! It's like when people say they are attending a sheva bracha.

Gila Rose said...

ahhh yes gotta love sheva bracha. do you ask them which bracha it's going to be?

Shani Berger said...

My daughter sings it "Nes Gadol Hayah Poh". also, tell the shuls that try to use correct Hebrew that it's really Seudat shlishit. (Is "shuls" a word?)

Kathleen said...

I too like to delay movie watching when it would mean restricting my computer access. Because my kids will want to watch the movie over and over and over...